Hello, I'm a Computer Vision Engineer and Researcher. I do research in machine learning, extended reality, and human computer vision to help understand the future of data visualization.
Outside of pursuing my research I like to unwind with Weightlifting, socialize with kickball, and build a smarter home.
I primarily work in data science with an emphasis on virtual and augmented reality. I have spent my career as a researcher working to better understand how people use AR/VR and how they wish they could use it. I don't consider myself a programmer, but someone who has those tools at his disposal. I am proficient at python, C#, C/C++, and others. Most of my specific work lies in Camera Calibration, 3D Computer Geometry, and Human/Computer Interaction.
Improved upon human based segmentation techniques
Integrated SMPL and SMPLX body models for avatar creation
Managed and integrated many COTS machine learning models
Feature based camera calibration and synthesis from uncalibrated cameras
Created and maintained backend server for inference human model creation
Created CI/CD workflows using Luigi, Jenkins, and Docker
Created advanced machine learning models to assist in computer vision
Developed python APIs for integrating and rangling data from internal and external sources
Developed advanced data visualizations to explore the accuracy and stability of computer vision models for segmentation and registration
Developed API for quickly building deep learning models within our database and storage frameworks
Integrated computer vision and machine learning to understand pose estimation and human activity recognition and classification
Implemented sensor fusion of biometric and visual data using recurrence and temporal fusion
Designed and conducted user studies as part of an effort to understand perception action capabilities and spatial cognition in VR and AR
Used statistical testing and data analysis techniques for hypothesis testing
Worked with 3D avatar creation and mixed reality integration
Automated data processing pipelines and created data storage solutions
Developed data visualization techniques to streamline analysis
Designed and implemented device drivers for data collection in testing rigs
Dissertation Title: Selecting an Appropriate Locomotion Modality using Room Size and Individual Differences in Navigation Ability
Main Focus: Computer Graphics Architecture
Thesis Title: Modified half-edge data structure and its applications to 3D mesh generation for complex tube networks
Main focus: Robotic Design, Microcomputer Design, Control Systems
Senior Project 1: Prius Battery Management System
Senior Project 2: Hot plate temperature control system
Main focus: Computer Graphics, Computer Architecture, Game Design
Senior Project: Pandemic an educational tower defense game
If you're looking to get in touch to discuss a project or role, you can contact me here